
Our Services

UK Services

PMA delivers detailed and independent UK property research, from national forecast typologies to over 400 individual town reports. PMA’s services are relied upon by the UK property industry to meet their research needs.

Our UK Services

PMA's detailed UK services are built on our renowned local market intelligence, including our comprehensive buildings databases running since the 1980s, and supported by the firm's experienced team of UK researchers.

Core Coverage

  • UK National Forecasts: 33+ MSCI core sectors & alternatives
  • Detailed local town and submarket services across 450+ markets:
    • Central London Office Forecast service (CLOFs) including 14 submarkets
    • UK Town-level Services
      • PROMIS+: reports & accompanying historical data and local forecasts on 450+ markets across 300+ towns
      • Coverage of Industrial & Logistics, Offices, Retail & Leisure
      • PLUS City-level PRS / BTR / Multifamily and PBSA services

UK National Forecasts

Most UK investors are long-term subscribers to PMA’s UK National Forecasts service, which we have produced since the 1980s.

Building on our local PROMIS property knowledge, this service provides a deep understanding of UK property market trends, as well as a highly regarded set of benchmark forecasts for key property segments and typologies.

Coverage includes:

  • Forecasts of average (MSCI) and prime market performance, covering 33 different property types, comprising:
    • MSCI office and industrial segments, as well as retail and leisure typologies
    • Alternatives including PRS/BTR/Multifamily, Student Accommodation, Primary & Secondary Healthcare, and Hotels
    • Shopping Centre & Retail Warehouse services are also available as additional modules, incorporating more detailed subsector forecasts, schedules of key developments and investments, and tailored in-house presentations with a focus on key assets

Outputs include:

  • Quarterly forecasts, under different economic scenarios. Client-led forecast scenarios can be run through our models at no additional cost
  • Overview and sector reports including for alternative sectors
  • Group presentations which are attended by 150+ clients in London
  • Six-monthly in-house strategy meetings are a key part of the service, as is partner-led on-call support
Image showing UK National Forecasts. Image showing UK National Forecasts.

Central London Office Forecast service (CLOFs)

PMA's dedicated Central London team delivers detailed submarket-level forecast and analysis, supported by our comprehensive building database which has been maintained since the 1980s. Many of the key Central London investors are long-term clients of this service.

Coverage and outputs include:

  • Quarterly prime and average forecasts for 14 Central London office submarkets, under different economic scenarios
  • Quarterly overview and submarket reports
  • Monthly schedules monitoring:
    • Development pipeline
    • Investment transactions
    • Leasing deals
    • Central London job tracker
  • Six-monthly in-house strategy meetings, tailored to meet your needs
  • On-call support by our dedicated team
Image showing Central London Office Forecast service. Image showing Central London Office Forecast service.

City-level PRS / BTR / Multifamily and PBSA Services

This service delivers data, forecasts, and reporting for local markets and London

Coverage and outputs include:

  • 32 PRS / BTR and 20 PBSA markets
  • History and forecasts of market rents, yields, capital values, and total returns, updated twice a year
  • Full scheme-by-scheme development pipeline schedules
  • Investment deals
  • City PRS / BTR reporting on current trends and forecasts of socio-economic and property performance
  • In-house presentations delivered alongside other services
  • On-call support is a key part of our standard client support
Image showing City-level PRS/Apartments Service.

UK PROMIS+ Town-level Services

Local Town Forecasts

Building upon our PROMIS market intelligence, PMA provides prime forecasts for over 300 towns across the office, retail, and industrial sectors. These forecasts are consistent with our UK National Forecasts.

Coverage and outputs include:

  • Forecasts of prime rents for over 300 towns across the office, retail, leisure, industrial, logistics, PRS / BTR and PBSA sectors, updated twice a year
  • Includes comprehensive history & forecasts of prime rents & total returns (selected markets)
  • Target rate-driven over-/under-renting and pricing analysis
  • Local forecasts can be delivered within PROMIS reports for subscribers to both
  • Six-monthly in-house strategy meetings are a key part of the service, as is partner-led on-call support
Image showing Local Town Forecasts.

UK Town-level Services


The UK’s key source of comprehensive and independent town-level property reporting since 1982.

Most UK property players subscribe to PMA’s PROMIS service. Across 321 different towns, we provide 450+ detailed office, retail and industrial reports and associated data.



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